Planetary Sciences / DATA SCIENCES / Numerical modeling

About me

Since childhood, Science has been a prominent part in my life. I always connected this appetite for Science with a sense of wonder. I wasn't a very successful student in high school and spent some years working in a chocolate store, trying photography, video editing and some other art stuff before going back to college. Planetary Sciences was the field that definitively caught me in University. Coding and dreaming. I had the amazing chance to pursue it during my Ph. D., working on modeling the photochemistry and clouds of Venus. After my Ph. D., I started teaching mathematics, physics and chemistry to students of different levels and disparate backgrounds. Being a full-time teacher was a bit unexpected but very rewarding. Nonetheless, I kept working on the development of the Venus PCM (formely known as the LMDZ/IPSL Venus GCM) with my former Ph. D. supervisor and colleagues. After almost 3 years of teaching, I worked as a postdoc at the IAA in Granada, Spain. My main task was the retrieval of aerosols and trace species in the martian atmosphere using the complex dataset from NOMAD solar occultation channel onboard TGO. Since March 2023, I'm working again with the Venus PCM to support the scientific objectives of the EnVision ESA/NASA mission.